Frequently Asked Questions

Most Common Questions

Where can i visit a shoowroom of your work display?

You can visit our 2 main showrooms, Kadhawatha branch:- 240/1,D,Krillawela and Gampaha branch :- 158,Miriswatta, Mudungoda at everyday except public holidays at work hours .

How can i contact you?

We are please to welcome customers at our showrooms and you can also directly contact us via a phone call, our hotline number 0722860476 or visit our website.

Can i get an online estimate of my garden?

Sorry about that we dont provide online estimates.We offer in-site services. Its our process to visit your land and to proceed with a quotation after dicussing and measuring the garden.

How can i shedule an appoinment?

You can directly call us to reserve an appoinment to get our consultation.

Can i customize my landscape design?

We always do custom unique designs to very new project we get through by discussing and planning all your needs and desires.

Before My Service

Do I need to do anything to prepare for my service?

Please make sure to allow access to your property by keeping gates unlocked and pets inside your home on scheduled service days.

Do I need to be home for my first visit?

We would love to see you and speak with you about your plannings if you are home. If you can’t be home for your visit, we’ll leave a service summary, send it via text or email, based on your communication preference selected.

Do i get a quotation of the service?

Yes after the site visit will hand over a quotationby person either as an email or via whatsapp.

After My Service

How frequent should i water the garden?

After lawning and planting new products you should water the garden twice a day as early morning and after the sunset to get the newbies adapted and grown in your garden.After a week you can see the growth and adaptation of your plants and water them once a day or once in two days.

When can i return to the service area?

After a service, we advises customers to allow the design rest around 2-5 days to grow and get adapted with the environment before families and pets resume enjoying their lawns and garden.

My weeds seem to have grown bigger since you treated my lawn. What's going on?

Some weeds may show accelerated growth during a specific time in their lifecycle. Your weeds will typically start to decline in 10-14 days, but challenging weeds may take additional treatments for complete control. Your weeds may also be showing accelerated growth because of the application of grass fertilizer. We will apply weed control solutions separately to eliminate weeds, but your weed treatment will be on a different timeline.

How often should i mow my lawn?

The best guide for mowing frequency is the growth of your grass. When lawns are actively growing it may require mowing more than once a week. To avoid stressing the grass, cut off no more than 1/3 (one-third) of the leaf blade at a time. Keep in mind that certain grasses, such as Bermuda grass, Zoysia grass and Centipede grass, require close mowing to stay healthy. Allowing these grasses to grow too high will increase thatch in your lawn. Click here to see a video for more on best mowing practices.

What are some lawn watering tips?

Your lawn usually requires 1-2” of water per week, depending on factors like soil type, temperature, and humidity. We recommend long, infrequent watering (1-2 times per week). Your soil should be moist to a depth of 6-12” after a watering. For best results, water early in the morning. At midday, more water evaporates than goes into the soil. Evening watering invites trouble because plants that stay wet overnight can be more prone to developing certain diseases that thrive in moist conditions.